Malice: A Novel

A princess isn’t supposed to fall for an evil sorceress. But in this darkly magical retelling of “Sleeping Beauty,” true love is more than a simple fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a wicked fairy who, in an act of vengeance, cursed a line of princesses to die. A curse that could only be broken by true love’s kiss. You’ve heard this before, haven’t you? The handsome prince. The happily-ever-after. Utter nonsense. Let me tell you, no one in Briar actually cares about what happens to its princesses. Not the way they care about their jewels and elaborate parties and charm-granting elixirs. I thought I didn’t care, either. Until I met her. Princess Aurora. The last heir to Briar’s throne. Kind. Gracious. The future queen her realm needs. One who isn’t bothered that I am Alyce, the Dark Grace, abhorred and feared for the mysterious dark magic that runs in my veins. Humiliated and shamed by the same nobles who pay me to bottle hexes and then brand me a monster. Aurora says I should be proud of my gifts. That she . . . cares for me. Even though it was a power like mine that was responsible for her curse. But with less than a year until that curse will kill her, any future I might see with Aurora is swiftly disintegrating—and she can’t stand to kiss yet another insipid prince. I want to help her. If my power began her curse, perhaps it’s what can lift it. Perhaps, together, we could forge a new world. Nonsense again. Because we all know how this story ends, don’t we? Aurora is the beautiful princess. And I— I am the villain.


406 pages

Average rating: 8.38




Community Reviews

Jun 28, 2023
8/10 stars
We love us a twisty villain origin story
Apr 28, 2023
8/10 stars
I will admit that I discarded this book just as quickly as I picked it up. However, my boyfriend convinced me to give it more of a chance, and I'm so grateful he did. The story as a whole is absolutely stunning. The character development alone is magic within itself. I love reading a villain origin story, and that is truly what this book is. Inspired by sleeping beauty, this story takes on a life of its own, separate and whole and beautiful. There were times that I wanted the main character, Alyce, to break. I wanted to see her take her revenge.

Despite thinking that the writing was amazing I will say that it has a very young feel to it that I wasn't expecting. YA books aim, from my understanding, at an audience between 13-18 years old. I would say that this book leans more towards the younger end of the spectrum, something that I was a little disappointed by. Then, it has a sudden sex scene thrown into the mix. I question its purpose and existence at all amongst the younger-audience-vibe that I was getting through the writing itself. Most YA books gloss over those scenes but this one gave much detail, not that I personally minded.

Another half annoyance is the romance. It doesn't take front stage, it's not all consuming, which I loved. Without a romance that takes up all the oxygen, Alyce and her character, along with the plot, grew and twisted and became extraordinary. Throughout the story we get hints of jealousy, all from Alyce, but we don't really get those from Aurora. It seems like all she wants is friendship. Yes, there is interest from her behalf, but nothing that I thought was leaning towards the romance that I knew was coming. And then... The kiss.

The kiss changes everything. Suddenly their love is all consuming: fast, hot, steamy, and the driving force for the rest of the story. It even convinces Aurora to rescue Alyce from the dungeons of the king. I wonder if it will be enough when she wakes and finds what Alyce has done to Briar. Will love conquer all, as it always seems to do? Or will this be a different type of fairy tale, the twisted villainous one we were promised? I honestly don't know what I hope for. Does she deserve a happy ending, or does she get handed what every villain before has been dealt, defeat? I think maybe somewhere in the middle will be good.

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