Oh What A Tangled Book We Read!


30 members

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About Oh What A Tangled Book We Read!

"Oh what a tangled book we read!" is a book club to explore trending fiction books and meet other readers. Each month, we’ll read together, and meet live online to discuss the books we've read.

Any fiction book in the suspense / thriller / paranormal / crime genres is up for discussion. We will post a poll each month with 3-5 different book options that come from the members of the group...whichever book gets the most votes will be the book of the month.

We will be meeting live once a month to discuss the book that we've been reading (forum TBD). There's no pressure to complete the book in order to attend the meetings or join in on discussions. All I ask is that you participate in some way if you decide this is the group for you. I want everyone to feel as comfortable as possible.
