The Last Flight: A Novel

A chance meeting in an airport bar offers two women, with equally dire circumstances, one last chance to disappear.


288 pages

Average rating: 7.55




Community Reviews

Oct 09, 2023
8/10 stars
I have had this book on my {very long} TBR for such a long time. It intrigued me but the whole plane crash part kinda freaked me out if I am totally honest. I am beyond happy I have finally grabbed this one because now I can add another author to my list of favs. We meet two women, both running from danger in their lives. These two women couldn't be more different, but are also so similar once we get to know them. Both are strong, fighters and survivors. Claire is married to a man who is abusive. He is also the well known (and loved) son of a beloved politician. He expects Claire to be perfect, too impossibly perfect, and he lets her know when she's not living up to his standards. She is desperate to leave her marriage, has even tried in the past, but because of who her husband is, this feels impossible. There is even an old dead girlfriend of her husband's that makes her (and many others) suspicious of what he is capable of. We follow Claire starting when she is ready to put her plan in place and finally leave. Eva is also running from something. We gain more and more knowledge as you read about Eva because her story is told from the perspective of the six months before she orchestrates a 'chance' meeting with Claire in the airport with the hopes of getting her to switch plane tickets and (temporarily) lives with her. We only find out how she knew about Claire and her circumstances at the end. We learn that Eva has been affected a lot by her childhood. Her mom is an addict and she ended up in the system. Because of this she has a hard time trusting or even getting close to anyone. This is a story of two women, who have been used and abused by the men in their lives. They have both decided that they were not going to keep letting these people abuse them, they were going to be free. Pretty inspiring, especially at this point in my life. The author has written characters that I care about. I'd love to hear more about what happens after this story finished, and that's not typically how I feel after reading a thriller. This one wasn't as twisty as I normally prefer but the twists that were there were well placed and has kept my mind on this story even after I've finished reading. I will definitely be picking up more of this author's work, already kicking myself that I haven't gotten the newest one from BOTM.
Jul 28, 2023
7/10 stars
This story has a cool plot. I enjoyed it
Jul 05, 2023
10/10 stars
Y’all. This book is easily one of the best I’ve read in a minute! I had hypotheses about how the plot would come together but when I tell you that absolutely none of them were correct… Lolol

I loved the dual perspectives/ dual timelines. I initially assumed we were never going to get to hear about/ from Eva BUT SURPRISE! She may have been one of my favorites.

I think this book was just v unexpected in the best way. Such a good thriller/mystery/ drama. From the kennedy’s (which I’m maybe like I need to investigate the chappaquiddick) to law and order, this book is HELLA relevant and captivating.
Jun 23, 2023
8/10 stars
Interesting plot and not what I expected at the end.
Jun 03, 2023
8/10 stars
An interesting read, but not as much fun as "The Lies I Tell Myself".

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