Queenie Jenkins can't cut a break. Well, apart from one from her long term boyfriend, Tom. That's definitely just a break though. Definitely not a break up. Stuck between a boss who doesn't seem to see her, a family who don't seem to listen (if it's not Jesus or water rates, they're not interested), and trying to fit in two worlds that don't really understand her, it's no wonder she's struggling. She was named to be queen of everything. So why is she finding it so hard to rule her own life?


352 pages

Average rating: 6.92




Community Reviews

Aug 05, 2023
10/10 stars
I think I have a new book to add to my favorites list. Thank you Candice Carty-Williams for creating this beautiful book.
Mina B
May 22, 2023
8/10 stars
This was pretty good
Mar 28, 2023
8/10 stars
The young, Black woman in me, the one constantly searching to understand the what, why, and how, fell in love with Queenie who was on a similar journey as all of us. This book was raw, funny, and oh so relatable.
Jan 12, 2022
I saw myself in the characters which always creates a crazy emotional connection. I've been searching for another relatable book such as this one and I haven't found one yet.
Dec 18, 2020
Special shout-out to my book club for getting through this book! Queenie (the character) was working my last nerve and I wanted to smack her like I would any sibling, cousin or sister-friend who behaved like Queenie did at the beginning of this book. Thank goodness for therapy and a stable support systems especially as we watch and experience Queenie's excruciating growing pains.

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