All the Wind in the World

Sarah Jac Crow and James Holt have fallen in love working in the endless fields that span a bone-dry Southwest in the near-future--a land that's a little bit magical, deeply dangerous, and bursting with secrets. To protect themselves, they've learned to work hard and--above all--keep their love hidden from the people who might use it against them. Then, just when Sarah Jac and James have settled in and begun saving money for the home they dream of near the coast, a horrible accident sends them on the run. With no choice but to start over on a new, possibly cursed ranch, the delicate balance of their lives begins to give way--and they may have to pay a frighteningly high price for their love.


Average rating: 6




Community Reviews

Feb 03, 2023
6/10 stars
I really enjoyed the setting of this book. I found the desert landscapes of New Mexico and Texas refreshing for a YA Contemporary. Mabry did a wonderful job of putting her life experience of living in Texas into the writing of this books scenery and its changes. There were parts that almost seemed more dystopian in nature than contemporary but I didn't mind that. I found the concept very interesting as well with the mystery around everything. I think the setting and certain aspects of the plot are what carried me through this book. 

Sarah Jac is not the most likable character and I did struggle with that throughout the book. At times her selfishness causes great distress for those around her and I don't feel like much of that was resolved in the end. I think it is good to have unlikable MC's once in a while but I think Sarah Jac was just a bit too much for me. I think I would've enjoyed her character more if there were multiple POV's to break up the negativity that seems to surround her. 

I really enjoyed James's character. I felt like he was the most genuine of the two and he really carried the story. You can really feel the strain on him in having to constantly monitor Sarah Jac to make sure she's not causing trouble, and I think he's getting tired of running. There is a moment in the story that kind of turned me off of liking  him for reasons I feel were unnecessary to the plot and I was a bit disappointed by that. 

The relationship between Sarah Jac and James was really confusing to me. I think I would've enjoyed the story more if they were not meant to be lovers in any capacity, or if they weren't cousin's and their relationship was more open and defined. It isn't really clear on why they can't be open about their relationship when it seems to be a non-issue for other characters. 

I enjoyed the side characters more than the MC's in this story because they were all unique in their own ways. They each brought something to the story that really helped contribute to the setting and the plot. My favorite moments were when they were sitting around the campfire talking with each other after a long days work out in the fields. In those moments I could really get lost in the story. Each character also brought with them a bit of mystery and I do like the tales they told about the ranch owner's and the strange things that seem to happen when something goes wrong. 

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